Interventional Pulmonology, Sleep Medicine, Critical Care
Certificate: Fellowship in Pulmonology Critical Care.
Articles & Publication :
1. Comparison of Forced Oscillometric Technique and Spirometry in Stable Asthmatic Patients in Central India: A Cross-sectional Study
2. Study to find out about various risk factors responsible for repeat acute exacerbation of COPD, which cause readmission within 90 days after admission in hospital due to acute exacerbation of COPD
3. A study to critically analyze Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program norms implementation at a medical college-level facility – In ASIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES
4. Knowledge, attitude, implementation and satisfaction levels regarding availability of resources for airborne infection control among the nursing staff of a medical college in central India during the COVID-19 pandemic - In Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences
त्वचा, बालों एवं नाखूनों की समस्या
Skin & Hair Analysis
केमिकल पीलिंग व लेज़र द्वारा दाग - धब्बे हटाने, ग्लो एवं गोरेपन के लिए
Skin Biopsy
सभी प्रकार के मासों का इलाज
डायोज लेज़र दवारा अनचाहे बालों का इलाज
केमिकल पीलिंग व लेज़र द्वारा दाग - धब्बे हटाने, ग्लो एवं गोरेपन के लिए